
Four Steps to a Safe Community This Winter

Condo Management isn’t just about the interior workings of a building. Within a Condominium Community, there are dozens of moving parts that must be balanced to maintain a well-functioning building, and ensure that all residents are happy and healthy. The outdoor maintenance may not seem like a big deal compared to keeping shared spaces clean and safe, but come winter, outdoor conditions can become hazardous very quickly. 

There are a number of elements that a Property Manager must keep in mind in the winter months:

  • Sidewalks and parking lots must be clear of snow and ice at all times

  • Gutters and downspouts must be in good condition

  • Exterior steps should be non-slip wherever possible, and must have secure handrails

  • Large icicles should be monitored and removed if necessary

According to the Occupiers’ Liability Act and the Condominium Act, it is the responsibility of the Condo Corporation to ensure that the conditions on the property are safe, as they are considered owners of the Common Elements. As owners of the Common Elements, the Condo Corporation is liable for any injuries that occur due to negligent winter maintenance. As such, it is the job of the Property Manager to organize and keep track of the status of the winter maintenance to prevent injury from slips and falls. 


Many Condo Communities do this maintenance themselves, but the majority contact a third party to hire Snow Removal Services, which includes plowing parking lots, shovelling sidewalks, and salting all pathways to avoid any danger to residents or guests. 

For most snow removal companies, once a contract is signed they will take on the responsibility of deploying a team when conditions call for it. This takes some of the pressure off of a Property Manager, allowing them to focus their attention elsewhere without having to call to arrange each time it snows. 


While less crucial than slippery sidewalks, clean gutters are important when moving into the winter months. 

Ideally, a Condo Community would have the gutters and downspouts cleaned and repaired in the fall to prepare for the snow and ice. Once they’re clean and in good condition, it is essential to ensure they drain in appropriate directions to avoid extra ice on the sidewalks.


Having adequate handrails is important year-round, but once things get slippery, a railing can prevent serious injury. Make sure you inspect all handrails throughout the winter. Each one should be properly secured with minimal motion possible during use. 

Steps should also be properly salted, and if possible, have a non-slip surface.


A staple of winter weather, icicles can form along any horizontal surface on a building. Some may look harmless, but depending on the location of your building and the seasonal weather, large icicles can become a serious safety hazard and even damage your eavestroughs. 

Monitor the state of icicles during the winter, and if they reach a concerning size, make sure they are safely removed from the building to avoid falling ice. 

By staying on top of your outdoor maintenance, a Property Manager keeps the entire community safe throughout the winter months. It’s important to start early, so make sure you’re winter-ready before the weather turns severe.